Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Last Blog

This was a first time internet assignment for me, and to be honest I really liked it and almost enjoyed it. Students from other writ classes said they hated Writ 101 because they had to write two-page papers every week. I felt like I lucked out! But I never felt like we were let off easy, or didn't have to do anything.

The blogging online really helped me with the papers the most. I liked how you would plan a blog that was related to our papers, and had a certain writing strategy we practiced and got used to that certain style. That really helped me have an idea of how to write our papers. The topics picked to write about were always interesting and fun to write about. I never felt the blogs were a drag, or just extra busy work. I think it really helped develop my writing for an audience. There were so many different types of blogs and different types of writing, it's actually a really cool assignment.

Not having to be in a rush before class and print out another writing assignment was really nice. I loved just being able to go online whenever, log on, write my post and be done. It was just quick, simple, easy, and to the point. I think its cool to have all of your writings in one spot and it's fun to look back and look at everything you've done. This is especially good for me because I'm very disorganized so it helped me keeping track of all my writings. It was neat being able to read everyone else's blogs, and see how different people write. Also, if i was confused I could just click on someone's blog to get an idea of how to do the assignment.

Overall I think the blog writings were a success, you did well Molly!! I think its a great thing to experiment, and you never know but some people could have found a new hobby by blogging. It's good to be introduced to new things, and broaden the horizon. I have never blogger before or had a type of assignment like this. I really liked it and think its a great tool for writing class. I may keep blogging, or I may never know. But I'm glad I can say I tried blogging before and it was a great thing to learn!

Monday, April 19, 2010

1 lie. 2 truths.

Usually I can tell when people can lie, you have to be a pretty good liar for me to believe!! Lets see how you do with me.

If i could wish for anything in the world it would be to live in California somewhere really close to the beach. I love it there and would spend my whole day on the beach if I could. I love warm weather and good shopping! I seriously hate the snow, find no joy in it, and never ski or snowboard. I'm just not a snow person.

I grew up in Butte Montana, but I was born in Florida. I lived in Tallahassee until I was eight years old. I loved it there because it was so warm, and there is so much to do in Florida. I would go to Disney World all the time, it was my favorite place! The ocean is where I spent so much of my time, I had so many friends there and we would go to the beach almost everyday in the summer. I was really sad when we had to move, but I tried to make the best of it in Butte. It's so opposite from Florida. I hated it at first but it's really grown on me. It's been cool to live two totally different lifestyles. Who knows where I'll end up next!

About a year ago my facebook got hacked into, they also hacked into my email so I couldn't change my password. I was so mad I couldn't get on anymore, and it creeped me out someone else had my password. It wasn't until people started to tell me I was chatting online with them when I wasn't even online, then I got worried. I didn't want people to think i was doing weird things. So i made another facebook, but my original one was still out there. I would look on the hacked ones wall, and whoever it was changed my information saying I was from Seattle. I was so mad I kept sending them emails to go get their own facebook. The final straw was when one of my facebook friends wrote me to wonder why I needed their password for the page, and that I should really just use my own facebook because i was "suppposedly" doing weird things on that persons page. It ended up my hacker asked this person for his password and was doing really creepy things. We called and got that page deleted.

Summer time!

Warm weather, going up to the lake, and laying out in the hot sun is what I can't wait for! Summer is my favorite time of the year, I love being outside and being able to wear shorts and flip flops. One thing I usually really look forward to that we do every summer is visiting my grand parents in Las Vegas. It's my favorite place to visit and there's so much going on. During the day I'll get up and put my bathing suit and lay out in the scorching sun, or have a water gun fight with my brothers. We usually dedicate one or two nights to go down to the strip, we will go see a show or watch my favorite things the Belagio Fountains that shoot high into the air, which are choreographed to music. Shopping is what I love doing down there, it's so nice to have so many neat places to shop and have so many diverse places. What I love most about going there is being able to see my grandparents, there a ton of fun and I always enjoy visiting them.

The rest of my summer involves working out on the grounds at the College of Technology, heading up to the lake with my friends, and just hanging out and enjoying the sunshine!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

one. tree. hill.

One Tree Hill is a really successful tv series that's currently on it's 8th season! It's about real high school kids with real life problems. They go through love and getting their hearts broken, losing parents, and having friendship struggles. It has Typical high school experiences that everyone can connect with. Being in Sports and cheer leading is a big role in the kid's lives as high school students.

I've heard a lot of people say that these types of shows are so stupid and just filled with drama to entertain. Maybe that's true for some of tv series, but definitely not One Tree Hill. It has real high school experiences that everyone can relate with. This series shows kids falling in love and also getting their heart broken and all the hardships that can come along with relationships. Everyone knows high school relationships can be hard, but it shows they maybe can be really good. Sports can always be hard in high school and it shows how hard you have to work to succeed and be a team leader. The boys on the show have all become really close as a team but also outside the court and becoming great friends. Of course it has struggling friends ships and all the hardships that friends go through but can make it out together even better friends. I consider this show a soul toucher, when i watch it I really enjoy it and relate to it and it shows great life lessons growing up as a teenager.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This article was about a judge, Molloy, who made an oil and gas company temporary shut down because of their old technology was effecting the environment and causing health issues. Their leaks and spews get into our environment. Most companies now are using better technology for our environment. Some people are going against Molloy's decision saying he's an environmentalist, he's only putting the company on hold until they get reviews and get their company cleaned up.

There's has been developing of more modern equipment that is better for the land and air pollution, why shouldn't all the companies have to use it? They don't want to because it's more expensive. The biggest reason why Molloy made the decision is because of our climate change, which the government will back him up on.

I think Molloy is making a very good decision, after all it's not like he totally closed the company all they need is reviews and some clean up and they're good to go. I care about our environment and if it helps then they should respect that.


This article was about a 22 year old male who seems to resent "Mtv" spring break. As an 11 year old he seemed to fantasize about this type of event, but now has a different outlook. He thinks Mtv just puts out this stereotype that all spring breaks are just partying and girls in bakinis. Making it clear all he wants is to sleep sleep sleep. Mexico is the last place he would want to be, because of all the drug wars.

I think this male seems really angry, maybe because he never really got to experience his "Mtc" spring break? What's wrong with having a little fun?


This article is about someone who just really doesn't like spring, and made it clear for anyone not to force it on her. She doesn't get excited when there's that first hot day of spring! Not wanting to hop on a bike or wear her sandles because the weather can be so unpredictable, and get all rainy, then get really muddy. Encouraging others to enjoy the sunshine, but she won't be out their and really doesn't want to be pushed into it. The winter, snow, or rain doesn't bother her at all, and just would like everyone to know she'll be joining everyone in the summer.

I think this girl is crazy! The first nice day after winter brightens my mood and really makes me want to be outside.


Friday, March 12, 2010



This article talked about how much energy it takes to recycle glass and aluminum. It states how much carbon dioxide emission is saved and how much energy as in bulb watts and tv power is saved.


This site talks about certain facts if people conserved energy. For example if Americans went online to pay their bills they would save 16 million trees. Every year if we reduced gasoline consumption 1.4 billion gallons we would save 108 million full gas tanks. It's showing if people really did go green how much it would actually help.

3. Greenmoney Journal published since 1992

This journal is talking about all the effecs of going green, how its helping, and how its spreading across the economy and the effects its having on the world, and also the effects it could have in the future.


This articles talks about companies trying to participate going green and using natural resources and all oranic products. It talks about now how they sell refillable water bottles, instead of throwing away all the plastic. Also another things is to use compostable trash bags.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I'm going to write about forests. Forests are a very important resource, used for wood to get fuel, building, and making paper. Most importantly they are a habitat for wildlife. IN the developed world forest practices are mostly sustainable. Trees that are cut down can be replanted, and the wildlife found in the commercial forests has been improved in the additions of new plants. This makes the forest resemble a more natural habitat.

Though much of the developing forests are sometimes not as well managed and are threatened by agricultural expansion, fores fires, and commercial logging, also the extinction of the wildlife species. Losses of forest can lead to soil erosion, all of this can lead to deforestation and the loss of an important natural resource.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Diets: a pain in the ***

All i see these days, or hear about is people trying to lose weight on certain diets. It's all over the place, either on commercials, magazines, everywhere! It could be a non-carb diet, only drinking fluids, or having only vegetables and rice for two weeks! The CCD have estimated that two-thirds of all americans have tried fad diets, or are on diets trying to lose weight. It's been calculated only five percent have been succesfull at keeping the weight off.
Do any of them really work? These diets don't sound very realistic to me. People all over the world are struggling with their weight everyday. Is it the genetics, amount of exercising, or food people eat? I personally believe it's the food in America. I have heard that in other countries they have way smaller portions, no appatizers, and no fast food! Everyone there seems to be fine. The eating habits of Amerians is outrageous. Then people try to do all these fad diets that don't really work.

Weight Watchers is one of the most successful weight loss programs of all time! It's a lenient eating program and varies with all ages. It has an "eat what you want approach" within moderation. This is such a great program that's realistic and doesn't limit you to certain foods that are impossible to stick with. It's a point system. Based on how much you weigh, male or female, and how much you exercise during the day is how many points you get to eat. Certain foods or a food is worth a certain point. Say i could have 23 points a day with 3o minutes of exercise. This keeps your portions in control, but you can eat whatever you want! You could have a piece of cake everyday, as long as you stay within the point range. Basically I think what the program is trying to get across is be able to eat what you want, but keep it moderation. This is definitely something America needs to learn and work on. I have known people who do this program, or who have done it and has been so successful!

Source 1. (Healthy Living Community)
Source 2. (What you need to know about Weight Watchers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Bullet

This story struck me as a really sad, but a very expressful piece of writing. The whole situation was a shock to me, I thought it was going to be about a man frustrated in a line at a bank or with his life, not that he was going to be shot in the head. I think it was trying to portray a message that his life had become too complicated, almost like he started to analyze everything too much, and had forgotten the simpleness of his life, and his loved ones. I felt he had a lot of anger built up inside, and in a way took it out on the man with the pistol. Never had I read writing so detailed where something can happen in a split second. The writer imagined, and could only guess what it would feel like for a bullet to go through your head. No one will ever know if you think of memories that for some odd reason pop into your mind when something drastic is happening. It seemed to me everything that was really important and that he really cared about crossed his mind, like the reasons he loved his wife, his daughter, his childhood memories, once again the simpleness that makes life enjoyable was the last thing that crossed his mind, and in my opionion should be.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Stash

Nichole and I were thinking of what ways we could escape from school, this had been our goal to do since the beginning of the year. We have never had enough guts to actually do it, but today was the day. I said we could either just run out the front gate, which was wide open, or dig a hole under the fence at the end of the field. We went with the hole. Jenna and Gwenn came to see what we were up to, we told them our plan and ther were all for it. After we got done digging the hole that we could have easily crawled under and escaped, none of us could bring ourselves to do it, we just sat there telling everyone but ourselves to go first. While we were sitting there we saw our recess monitor, who we call "the witch", coming towards us, so we quickly started ripping grass and pine cones to cover our hole. The witch came up to us and asked what were we all up to. The quickest idea that popped into my mind was, "Oh we are just playing squirrels." She totally bought and left us alone.

So we were all still sitting there, not on the side of the fence where we wanted to be, and Gwenn mentioned we could turn our hole into a "stash" to put food in and come eat it at recess. This was the best idea we had ever heard, also it was so rebellious, exactly what we were going for. We were planning everything out and gwenn decided she would bring a peice of extra carpet they were using to finish their basement, and lay accross our hole, so the food won't get dirty. The rest of us just decided to bring some good snacks and drinks, but in plastic baggies of course. So the next day we all came to school a little early to stash or goodies, so we could eat at recess, but we had to be extra sneaky so "the witch" wouldn't see us. We brought sour gummies, cookies, kool aid's, the colored, mini marshmellows, and chips, all the good stuff. I could't wait to go to recess, and neither could everyone else! The bell rang and we ran to what we now named it, "the stash" we ate all the yummy snacks, laughed, and all of us agreed this was the best, sneaky idea anyone could ever have! The bell rang and we covered our hole with grass and pine cones. While we were running back to class, all I could think about was getting back to "the stash" next recess!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pretty Precise

I was a type "2" on the personality test, and it said that I have helpfullness and I'm caring, also it stated I need those qualities to be happy. Helping others and wanting to be loved is important. I like compliments and to be told I'm loved by others. Although being wrapped up in my own probems, I'm interested in helping and listening to others' problems. Connecting with people and making friends is easy for me, being caring and warm is one of my qualities. I'm sensitive, but also sensitive and respectful of others' feelings. Being enthisiastic, having a good sense of humor, and being fun-loving is a big quality. On the down side of being a "2" I have a hard time saying no, not doing things for myself, but having a fear of letting down others and being considered selfish. I could be upset if people don't listen to me as much as I listen to them .

I think this test matched up to me pretty accurately, except for a few things. It makes it sound like I need to be loved and complimented all the time, that's not entirely true, I don't need compliments to make me happy! But, I don't think anyone could disagree it's always nice to feel loved and get a compliment everyonce in a while. Listening to others, and trying to help I would say is very true about me. I really like and enjoy listening to people and trying to help with whatever they are going through, mostly because it's reassuring you're not the only one who has gone through hard times. It's nice to be able to relate to others. Having fun, being enthusiastic, and having a sense of humor are all qualities I think I have. I love having fun and being with people. There's nothing better than laughing with your friends, or being able to make them laugh. The down side qualites were partially true but not one-hundred percent true. I don't like too harsh of criticism, but I like to hear the truth. Having a fear of being selfish is not true at all. I have never felt people don't listen to me as much as i listen to them. Overall, most of the positives were true, but some of the downsides were not matched as well.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

about me!

Hi my name is Summer Sullivan, I'm a freshman this year! I'm from Butte Montana, and graduated from Butte High school. I was involved in track and cross country, I really enjoyed the social parts of these sports as well as staying in shape. I met a lot of good friends and cool people being involved. Going to the sport activities was one of my favorite things to do in high school, and I still really enjoy going to the university sports as well. I have been a griz fan all my life, the games are one of my favorite things to do, I love the atmosphere and everything going on. I have had a really great time in Missoula so far and can't wait for this semester!
Some of my favorite movies are: The Notebook, Titanic, and Avatar! I really enjoy reading, my favorite series is Harry Potter, Twilight, and Nicholas Sparks books. Exercising and being active is really a big priority in my life, I like to keep in shape and feel healthy and good about myself. It's also a great stress reliever and mind clearing. Being with my friends, hanging out, and having good a good time is about the best thing you could wish for. I'm really excited to see what is in store for the rest of the year! I have a good feeling its going to be a great one.